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Home is My Personal Museum

Amber is a modestly famous "scrap picker blogger," with a passion for finding treasures in seafood markets and along roadsides.

After six months of living in, she has brought in "scraps" from various places, adhering to the spirit of making a grand stage within a snail's shell, and transformed this old house of over thirty square meters into more than ten versions.


In Amber's view, the so-called lifestyle is actually about choosing which items to regard as collectibles.

Solid wood furniture, velvet curtains, decorative paintings; or a Border Collie, several plants, and a box full of movie ticket stubs...

When living with the sentiment of "I want to collect every bit of this," the room naturally is no longer just a container for the body, but...

A private museum called "home."


In the depths of the plane trees, the light of the sky and the shadows of the clouds linger together.

·Amber's hometown is Liuzhou, a picturesque small city, where the mountains and waters have nurtured her unique perception of beauty.

Amber has longed for Shanghai since childhood. At the age of 33, in the eighth year of wandering away from home, through the mottled shadows under the plane trees on Hengshan Road, she finally met the steel window that she fell in love with at first sight.


"The view outside the window is an extension of home."

"I really like this feeling of 'stopping while searching.' "

"The concept of a rental house has long collapsed in my mind. I never thought that decorating a rented house is a beauty of adulthood. It's true that it's a real hassle, but when you leave your own mark on the new home, there is a real sense of belonging and achievement." said Amber.

"Living by the window with wintersweet, for the first time, I received the news of winter's flowers."

In her spare time, Amber likes to browse home bloggers and B&Bs of various styles to draw inspiration and replicate some beautiful decorations.

She is particularly fond of the authentic charm of the old French Concession houses, such as those exquisite crystal door locks and steel windows.

They are not only exquisite decorations but also the precipitation of time, filling her home with stories and warmth.

Seeking tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle, open the window to see greenery.

In Amber's personal museum, every item has its story, and every space is full of her love and exploration of life. She believes that life should not just be a daily repetition but a journey of continuous discovery and creation.


The "scrap" wine jar that Amber picked up from the streets of Shanghai.

Amber's home is like a magical box, with new surprises every time it is opened. Amber's home is her interpretation of a good life, her relentless pursuit of change and innovation. Here, she uses leisurely afternoons to turn each "scrap" into a unique work of art, making this small space the warmest corner in her heart.

If you want to learn from Amber about the experience of "picking up scraps," come here to find her.

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