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Wellcee Kitty Nursery is now open for adoption!

Four adorable little kittens have been wrecking havoc at the Wellcee office for the past month, and they are now finally available for adoption 🎉


Wellcee's kitty employee —— Cee, gave birth to a litter of four baby kittens in the office during the Spring Festival!


Gender: Male

Coat: Tabby


Cee gave birth to two tabbies and two ginger kittens, and Wei is one of the tabbies. With his tail held high, he enjoys playing and romping around with his buddies! Though he tends to come in last in milk-snatching contests.


Gender: Female

Coat: Tabby with white


A little chubster of the litter, immediately goes quiet when lifted by the scruff of his neck. Not only a crowd favourite for his adorable little face, but also a gentle and affectionate baby.



Gender: Male

Coat: Ginger with white


Living up to his reputation as a true ginger, he's always the most eager during mealtime. With his little face beaming, he's one dashing little ginger, for sure.




Gender: Male

Coat: Ginger with white


The smallest one in the litter, but the cuddliest and sweetest. Last in line for milk, but a pro at climbing and escaping. With his killer side profile, he's the most charming little gentleman.


Our kitty mum gave birth to four little ones all by herself during the Spring Festival, and she's been earnestly taking care of them, feeding them until they're chubby and content.


The kittens are just the size of a palm, with even their whiskers feeling soft and floppy. The blue in their irises haven't faded yet, and they already make soft and light purring sounds.

As spring unfolds, little kittens peek out one by one. With the arrival of balmy April, our four darlings hit the two-month mark!


For those interested, please register via the link below and pay a fee of 99RMB. Our team will reach out to you promptly for further details.


Note: In the case that adoption is unsuccessful, 99RMB will be swiftly refunded after conclusion of the adoption event.

If adoption goes through, the fee will be reimbursed upon completion of adoption procedures.

Will need some snacks in exchange for babies please

At the hem of your trousers, they'll playfully pat and sniff around, their little noses curious about what you've been munching on, their whiskers lightly tickling your face.


The joy of having a cat is made up of small, definite moments of happiness.


Returning home to find the kitten patiently waiting by the door, and feeling their fluffy, warm touch as they snuggle into the blankets after the lights go out.


Kitties don't do much, just eat, sleep, and love their mama.


Some cats bask in the warmth of their cozy beds, while others hide away in secret corners to avoid the cold.


Some kitties roll over and show their bellies for scruffles, while others struggle just to get by. Perhaps the true essence of adoption, lies in setting aside some of our preferences, and deciding to care for a life that has no one to depend on.


Adopt, don't shop. It takes a paw-shake to seal this deal, commit to the responsibility of taking care of a little creature.


Here's to hoping that this spring, all kitties and humans are loved and cared for.

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